Top Car Seat Mistakes to Avoid for a Safe Journey with Your Baby: Baby Hills’ Worn

While selecting the best car seat – for your baby is one of the most important things when safeguarding your little precious thing during a car ride. Unfortunately though, there are actually a ton of mistakes that parents make without even realizing it when it comes to car seat usage. We at Baby Hills believe that understanding these mistakes and how to avoid them, it’s very important for a safe and stress free journey. This blog, we will talk about the perils of doing so and will cover the top car seat mistakes parents need to avoid to ensure their child’s safety as they take on the road.
1. How to install a car seat the right way
The most common error is just plain being installed incorrectly. Statistics from multiple studies have found that a large portion of child car seats are inappropriately installed or they do not provide the desired protection for your child. Make sure that the infant car seat is fastened tightly and does not move more than an inch in any direction. Remember to consult your own manufacturer’s manual and, if possible, have it inspected by a qualified professional.
2. Incorrect Positioning of the Car Seat
Position the car seat in a dangerous area in the car. It is best to keep a car seat in the back, preferably in the middle where it will not come into contact with airbags. Moving the child seat to the front passenger compartment or adjacent to inflating air bags could seriously harm your child. Make sure to always belt the car seat in properly.
3. Beyond The Car Seat’s Expiration Date
Yes, car seats expire and it really isn’t safe to use them beyond that expiration date. Over time the car seat material can deteriorate and become less efficient in keeping your baby protected. Make sure to always check the expiration date of your child seat which is usually found stamped on a label attached to the child seat when needed. Baby Hills offer the most modern and safety-tested car seat to ensure greatest protection.
4. Incorrect Harness Positioning
Using a harness in your car seat is what keeps your baby safe. However, if the harness is not properly located, it will not work as protection for your child. For a rear-facing seat position, the harness straps ought to be at or just below the child’s shoulders; for forward-facing car seats, they need to be at or just above his/her shoulders. Straps should also lay in order to be tight-fitting and not with the fingertips, so as his chest was able to pass between the harness.
5. Putting Wrapping or blanket in the car seat
As soon as the weather becomes colder, one of the most common safety errors is that babies are put on bulky clothes or blankets in the confines of their car seat. Though keeping your baby warm is important, thick clothing can cause the harness to not fit properly which minimizes its efficacy. Instead, layer your baby in thinner clothing and throw a blanket over the harness while securing that the harness is tight to the baby’s body.
6. Moving to a frontward- facing car Sit Too Soon
Transitioning a car seat from rear-facing to forward-facing too early also is a common mistake. While child restraint systems can be installed at the rear or front of a vehicle, most are designed to go behind it because they support the head, neck and spine of young passengers more effectively in case of an accident. They should remain in a rear-facing car seat. according to the manufacturer’s height or weight limit.
The number one aim when taking a passenger in the car, always has to be the safety of your baby and if by avoiding these four most common *car seat* mistakes achieves that then this is a large part of what needs to be done. We are doing our best here at Baby Hills, to make traveling safe as you set off with your baby on each new adventure. All that you need is the right *car seat* for your child and use it correctly then, you will feel comfortable with your child.
Safety of your Baby is the most important and there should be no compromise on that. Miss these car seats and be sure to check your child restraint installation before you drive anywhere. Safe travels!